November 3rd PUBLIC ASSEMBLY SYSTEM: Trescset, Dalmatty, Bee Eater, J. Alpinist Loophole
cawfeeI played at this show!!!!!!!!!! It went really well.I came in with dots on my face. I was worried that
if i came in with my face makeup, it would be difficult to get into character on stage. But I found it to be
pretty okay, especially since everyone was asked to stand inside the venue before I came in. It gave me a
few seconds to be alone. It is good to be young. Trescset went first and I think I was feeling a little
rigid, then it was me. People are always surprised that the dogwalker is battery powered and self contained.
The sound check was maybe 30 seconds.. plugging the instrument cable in the spot and checking for volume.
Thats all!!!! I love the portability of the dogwalker. I began and ended the
set with these speakers that octopus out of it. maybe i wont do it again? it doesnt seem like you can hear
it all that well esp if ppl are wearing ear plugs. I wanted to end my set with the speakers and go around
hugging everyone, but people toook this as a cue that my set had ended. No hugs? Hugs while still plugged
in? Hm. I am not sure. Bee Eater was after. I had left the room mid-set because my dad called me to come
home!!!!!!!!!!!!! But i remember that it was seated and more or less ambient. love!!!!!!!1 By the time it
got to J. Alpinist, I was too exhausted to sit in the room. So I sat in the cafe and chatted a bit until I
left. Thank you to all the
friendly friends that came out! Here are your names if i remember: Daniel T, Daniel V, Astrid, Elizabeth,
Mabel, Bis, Vian, Odin, Ana, Hanna, Emily, Kaiden, Sara, Gigi.
October 6 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY SYSTEM: Limbs Bin, Echthros, D.F.H., The Furnace Loophole cawfee I stayed for two sets, The Furnace, and I am not sure who went first. I don't remember a lot about this
night, i remember feeling tired and a little out of it. I remember there being a mask policy but not getting
the memo! so i looked like an asshole! Kaiden as mindblowing as always. I remember sitting on the ground for
these sets I saw. Went with Daniel.
September 29 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY SYSTEM: Aster, Bobby Chaos, Sainerine Loophole cawfee First show in months because I was burnt out from Sled Island way back in June.... I didn't like coming
home late and crashing in my bed. SIgh. Anyway, almost didnt go to this show because I was sleepy at 2pm and
my brain told me going home and doing nothing was the way to go. But. Like. I just stayed at my school and
worked for longer and then I felt normal again and it was like 6pm already anyway and doors were at 8pm. Oh
gee glad I went. Aster asked us to all sit on the ground and their set was fairly short. it felt maybe, 6
minutes? Or thats how it was in my head. I wish it was longer. I was starting to get somewhere in my head.
Bobby Chaos got me there I think. The set felt like forever. These two sets made me think of noise music as
a sort of meditation. And I kept thinking about how it would be everything and more if I was the only one in
the room and I could stay there for however long. Just as a break. When I lived in "vancouver," I would take
walks every morning and just sit for an hour or two. Doing nothing. And while it was quiet and peaceful and
slow, I had the same bodily reactions during these first two sets. Sainerine blew my socks off. I had met
Katherine prior and I knew her practice had to do with stapling herself and the concept of bloodletting, but
I didn't know how it all worked. Wow. I keep thinking about how her performance was maybe one of the most
well crafted performances I have ever seen. Seriously. Had the allure of Cindy Lee. And that is like the
biggest compliment I can give someone. Hypnotizing stage presence. Every detail was carefully thought out
and beautifully delivered. Was with Daniel and saw Hanna and Matthew Springy and Emily
July 29 Pantago at the FREE STAGE AT THE FOLK FEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were awesome. told the crowd to "get sexy in the park". made me uncomfortable. was with Mabel and Bis.
We stumbled across this as we were hanging out in the area attending pet-a-palooza... what a treat to be
able to just come across a band I was upset I was gonna miss bc i didnt buy folk fest tix. Still, would wish
it was jeff tweedy instead...
July 8 ShooKitty, Govenor at Loophole CafeJune 24 (SLED ISLAND DAY 4) Booter, Oranje at the Ramsay Block PartyJune 23 (SLED ISLAND DAY 3) Laura Hickli, Magella, Spellling at the Central United Church
Jed Arbour at the #1 Royal Canadian LegionJune 22 (SLED ISLAND DAY 2) Oranje, SunForger at Ship and Anchor CO-OP, Mvll Crimes
at the Palamino.June 21 (SLED ISLAND DAY 1) HousePanther, Bad Bodies at Dandy tasting room.Tawni
Bias at Modern Love.Maryam Sirvan, Big|Brave, Liturgy at Dickens
My first full sled island is NOW. Got my discovery pass from doing the poster show and the AUArts SA Art
Block show. HousePanther reminds me of snail mail. Really beautiful. YOu cant go wrong with Bad Bodies. The
person volunteering at the door at this venue I had matched with on a dating app like a year ago (what.s up
mark). Ran into Jose!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Tawni Bias reminds me of EDEN. Which isnt my favourite, but its not like
they were bad. tehy had a guy hanging out in the corner sitting on a stool for the parts of the set I saw. I
assume he played guitar for one or two songs only. Also Modern Love is as bad as anyone thought it would be.
For context, I was told a couple guys from Edmonton bought out Broken City, the venue it was before that was
extremely lively, unpretentious, and... broken, and remade it into modern love. We looked at the food and
drink menu and they 100% just gentrified the place. The decor was ugly. very ugly. so much room on the walls
that couldve been made for local artists. Their fabric of choice on the seats and stuff was this plastically
glittery material that you would use to make childrens purses that carry little cherry scented makeup kits.
I was also told that the washrooms had RING LIGHTING. awkward. and the people around the area seemed exactly
like youd expect, cleaned up alternative millenials (granted, the crowds during sled are always different
than most other times). I didn't get the chance to ever visit broken city, but I feel pretty certain that it
felt like it had a soul back then. Saw Jed Arbour dancing around during Tawni's set though so thats pretty
cool lol. What I saw at dickens was probably my favourite. All the acts were great. Maryam Sirvan cleaned
out my ears so good, so clean. Right before bigbrave's set, a guy turned to me and told me that big brave
is: if bjork sang for godspeed, the loudest act he has ever witnessed, from montreal. He was right abt the
bjork part. wrong abt godspeed. i think its more merzbow or boris. they were great though. i wish i couldve
sat on the ground nd do a llittle stimming. my back hurt from standing. i felt their music in my bones. also
the drummer was in possession of various balls connected to eachother. I mean they had bells on a leather
strap and a steel bead chain. During their set, a plethora of middle aged white men started to appear. and
they stayed around for liturgy. very tall people. ALso I saw ethan outside of the venue. Hi ethnan. Liturgy
was pretty mindblowing. transcendental. I felt away for most of it. theres a point when music gets so loud
that you stop listening to it and youre just thinking in your head. Though I will say, this entire night, i
didn't know what to do with my hands. Kept them crossed for most of it. my arms got sweaty during liturgy.
Also I didnt knowliturgy was trans-fronted.what a sweet surprise. if only there were more trans ppl in the
crowd. hung out iqwth helen and aran for the night.
May 29 Strange Notes from the Gutter w/ Soylent Green, Digital Dope(members of Still Depths + Hanna,
WANTS, WALKOUT under Ogden Rd SE (51 00'49.5"N 114 00'49.5"W
got there around 8:30ish and parked fairly far away. walked maybe 10 min. this place is super close to a
sewer plant so it stunk during the walk! smelled normal once we were there though. what an amazing time to
be alive. someone had a birthday cake and i think ppl ate it with their hands or something. awkward. this
was the first circle moshpit + wall of death that I was able to witness. sat my cute little ass away.
Soylent green. great amazing. i was told that a deer had been spotted after this set. Later on, tehre was a
railroad train that made its way very near by. beautiful and scenic. there were some people who stopped by
who had no idea what the crowd was gathering for. a father and his little daughter came by. it was really
cute. Digital Dope, great. Love them too. it was really interesting to see this new direction that they were
taking. itd be cool to play around with sounds with them. I couldnt hear Hanna's poetry though. the mix
wasnt the best. it started getting windy and cloudy during wants---whcih did wonders for the vocalist's
hair. made themm look like a very majestic pony. unbelievable. caught some of walkout. cool. cute. but i had
to go home. so we walked past===============the sewer plant again and it didnt smell this time! Im guessing
bc of the rain that came near the end of wants. This was Helen's and Arans 1 yr anniversary since they
started dating. congrats them two. went with them. saw matt springer, derek haussegger, sloane, emily, sasha
that works at the jubliee coat check, frannie (didnt say
hi...................................................... got nervous), fetus blasters, and met some new
faces but i have forgotten their names. damn. worst ever.
May 13 Pansy Club w/ Drag: Rip Em, Sir Velvet, Dani Phantom, Jackal Morose, Mx Jendr, Comrade Yulia
Borscht DJs: void_visionz, DJ Darling, Trappedintheclub Truck Gallery
Amazing night!!!! Talked to so many lovely friends and new people. Everyone was phenomenomenom. Standouts
are void_visionz, Sir Velvet, Rip Em, Dani Phantom. Please more events like these!!!! All ages queer parties
that are not as overwhelming as twisted. Wore a new outfit and got tons of comments on it. Daschund t shirt
and plaid skirt. Wow sweet. Had a water cooler. Cups super small and water was dispensed slowly. Street Cats
YYC had a booth and there was harm redux materials in the washroom. heart emoji!! Went with Helen and
Britney and brought a bag full of CDs and a pair of sunglasses to give to them. Talked with so many lovely
people. Rubix, Juli (and friends Charlie and Parker), Kyle and Carolina, Mike Hooves, PJ, met David(or was
it daniel? eitherway super cool person with a rhinestone outfit. Dying to run into them again), also saw
Daniel, Emily, Molly (met rachel), Bex (met crow), Ya and Jiaqi (met skye(?)).
May 5 Speed Hunters w/NURSE, YWN, SHYFUCK, NSC, DEWDROP STARSHINE, ADAM - Fortune Sound Club,
caught NSC and hung around after that.. not sure who I got to see past odie! Was my friend's birthday n most
of them hung around the top floor. This show was on the second floor. Fortune is an interesting place. I
love that its in the heart of chinatown. thats so sick. I wish Calgary had more of that. Always love Odie's
sets. Went with isla, Li, Reemo and some other birthday associates, including Sophia, who tied with me in
chess earlier that night. Ran into Kiyana
Apr 30 Audio Pollenation 5 - 648 Kingsway, Vancouver
Caught the last two sets. actually im too lazy to write this now. ill do it hashtaglater. Now is later!
Audio Pollenation is an improv night of three groups, each comprised of 3 musicians and one visual artist.
They get on stage as their first time performing. Calgary has something similar called Bug Incision that I
have yet to catch. First set that I saw starred Ricardo doing a bondage performance. Was pretty awesome. I
need to remember to upload pictures. Second set had a standout guitarist/vocalist who was.... hm. All I can
say is that I wouldnt be making the jokes that they did. GOt the crowd to hold a note the whole performance
which I thought was sweet. Had a really nice time, but I wish there were more experimental acts that played.
I would be inclined to sign up for Audio Pollenation if it was. Else I'd feel singled out. I was told the
set I missed was pretty good. Visual artist performed as a walking trashbag.Handed outa good number of zines
at this show. Went with Li, Reemo, Sima, Cal. Talked to Alisa, Ruben, Maya, Sho, and Kat. Traded with Kat
and Sho. After the show, the gang + Ricardo went to Lucy's Diner. Met Andy and Ethan there. Traded Ethan for
a little horse that Andy 3d printed.
Apr 29 AprilWeen hosted by Mixed Gems w/ Screams of the Bone Age, Silver Ghouls, Rilo Kylie, Pulp
Fiction - Redgate, Vancouver
um i watched silver Ghouls play and then left. LOL. just feeling over stimuated that day (today. I am
writing it after getting home an hour ago). I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA PLAY WEEN AND THATS IT. I was misled
and tricked.
went with reemo and li and cal and the firend with the name that I forgot. I need to ask again. Ok i asked.
their name is sima.
A card reader that was in a free bin that we picked up before the show. We hid it behind a garbage bin and I
took it back with me on my walk homeApr 28 Portal w/ IHA, turtle dreams, some vacancy, sayo b2b still running - 254 E Georgia St,
in chinatown. room was up a flight of stairs and was roughly the size of a living room + kitchen (the
bar).so foggy in that room . There was
a fog machine
and also a few people smoking a little blunt or two. They sold shroom tea. everyone was sitting or laying
down on couches and the ground. I caught the last two sets, idk which ones. I wish there were more shows
like that. I
guess that implies that people would be high on something, but i enjoyed it a lot sober. Meditative. nothing
wrong with either ways thougj. Shout out women. Went with Odie and Adam(@riding my BIKE FAST) and ran into
Street there.
well. this is one of them Apr 15 Ill Defined, Alec Arms, Vania, Oranje - Nvrlnd, Calgary
went on a walk to get ice cream during alec arms. I got dragon fruit and lychee icecream. awesome. Oranje
killer as always. This was an all ages show. and i really enjoyed seeing a lot of people be interested in
the scene. i don't think im muchh older than a lot of the people there. everyone just seemed a little bit
more approachable than normal. My friend Li called me a soft dom because I dont enjoy leading a conversation
unless I KNOW that the other person is like nervous or something. Baha. haa. Zack Bastard was helping run
the event. I dont know anyhting about you, zack, if youre reading this, but hi :3. I have noticed that
oranje likes to. hold their hands in like a prayer infront of their mouth when people are cheering or when
they get compliments. does that make sense. They've done it consistently as far as I know. Consistently
meaning like. the twice ive seen them. Anyway they played first. People were really stiff for their set.
Nerves maybe. Moshpits didnt last long if at all. It was better for Vania. It is so off to see grown men of
the band try to mosh with younger people. Last was Ill Defined. I think they were headlining because
everyone lost their minds when they played. A little hardcore emo (4th wave..?). Yea. went with helen.
helen crying in red (get a grip)Apr 1 Dave Munro, Pajama Concrete, ShooKitty - Renfrew Community Association, Calgary
Didnt catch Munro. Shout out my two friends PJ and Daniel (shookitppy) I got there at 3:30 for the start of
PJ's set. Killer killer
killer killer
awesome nice gcool cool cool cool. TO BE HOENST i dont think the crowd was silly goofy enough for something
like what PJ puts on. which is so evil of them. They said all acts are welcome. But they are too normal.
Grow up.
Grow old. Die Happy. Personally really loved it . Lets make some noise. ShooKitty. Cool sotuff. really nice
to hear some songs with production more than just guitar. Song about ghosts is my favourite i think. I
picture time
Pajama Concrete at the RCA
ShooKitty, at the RCA Mar 31 GirlTalk, Oranje, Tunebags, Jed Arbour - Palomino, Calgary
baller!!!!!!!!!!! Will definitely be keeping up with what orangheje is up to. Oranje's Set was unreal. Jed Arbour too. Its nice going to a
show that isn't hardcore. That being said,
not enough people grooving to the music. Only freaks bobbing their head. DO SOMETHING!! Venue was real empty
when the first act played and got fuller as the night went on. Thats how it goes hey. Props to girltalk for
being a
brother sister duo. I could never ever be in a band with my brother. Fucking loved jed arbour. I didnt even know they were trans
fronted. Thats a win in my book. Out of all the
bands, Jed Arbour seemed like they were having the most fun. Like genuine fun. Can I tell you a secret. I
hated the balloons. I did . I am so sorry. I just wanted to zone out and be in my head at times but I knew
balloons would be hitting the back oof my head and would make me look stupid. BUt if you dont participate in
balloonism then u look like a real party pooper. I wish i was naturally spikey. like a porcupine. or someone
frosted tips. then its not my fault if they pop. I ran to catch the bus home for this one. Went with Helen,
Evangeline, Britney, Jerd, Meghana. Its picture time
Oranje, at the Pal
Jed Arbour, at the Pal Mar 4 The Furnace, dalMatty, Elizabeth Fox, Radioactive Vampire Teeth, Still Depths - Highline
Brewing, Calgary
Holy shit my first solo show ever. This year is full of firsts, hey? Life is too crazy sokmethimes. I played
my dog walker instrument. I should probably make an extra page for that. just to show it off. my little dog
I llove hanging out with people. I got a ride home and got yelled at by the driver! went w/ a lot of folks,
reet, keri, rubix, daniel, helen, the likes
Feb 20 noBunny, Fetus Blasters, Radioactive Vampire Teeth (matt/pj), A Pact With
Strangers(seb/anthony) - Highline Brewing, Calgary
Holy smoly my first show ever. like the first one I ever played at. We did pretty okay. Really killed it on
the last song, mopic. Crossingmy fingers we never use a backing track ever again. fetus Blasters did an
oopsie and
messed with Matt's mixer and now we think its broken or something. I missed out on RVT's set bc Mabel needed
me to go get weed with her LOL. This venue is anti moshing. A pact btwn strangers were great. I love that
they. Did
breakcore. Live. went with/saw a lot of little ponies i know. lets see if i can remeber everyone: Mabel,
Bis, Tristin, Helen, Aran, Britney, Jose, daniel, emily, sara perrydin, elizabeth, reet, roberto, elyotto
(LOL), anyone
else i forgot because i am acidentaly evil
Feb 10 Valentine's Crushes + Blushes w/Oranje, Lipstick Party, TeaFannie, JHNN - Dickens,
Stopped by here after hanging out at Chokeslam at the Bows. Mainly went for the market where Andy's friends
were set up. Ate A&W before going in. Only saw a part of lipstick party's set, and stayed like max 40 min
leaving. Met Nell and saw Riel :3 Went w/ Andy
Dec 31/Jan 1 New Year Eve– Disco Party w/ Olivia Lux and Synthia Kiss - Twisted Element,
my first drag show Evar. Also the first time I went clubbing. People here are so nice! I kept getting a
whiff of a shit smell but who cares. I didnn't know any of the performers, but let it be known i enjoyed it
a lotta.
though i did get kinda tired during the middle of the show. It was the ache of not knowing how long the show
was and i thought it was gonna go until midnight. It did not. it went on until 10pm. I had beeer spilt on me
earilier in the night. went with Amy, Ella, Hal, Chantelle, Owen (another one. an english one!?), Cicely
Dec 23 - Family Dinner, Witch Victim, Still Depths, Cheer - Palomino Smokehouse, Calgary
First show back in Calgary! Wow so many familiar faces at this one too. Hey guys. Went with Reet. This was
Reets first moshpit. Very sweet mosh people here. All white though. that can be said abou all of these shows
Dec 9 - Y/N, Visa + Myles, VeltenHill, Goats and Lasers - The Jam, VancouverFirst time at this venue. I live 5 min from this venue and i didnt know! Great last show during my time in
Vancouver, saw plenty of familiar faces from school. Went on my ownnnyyNov 16 - Hot Garbage, Bingo Switch, Nigel Young - Red Gate, VancouverCame for my friends band, Bingo Switch. They were great. i am sick of this venueWent with Li, Hayden, Kiyana
Nov 4 - RAVEMANIA: Outback, acounta, 300OFU, STLRR, BOOCANAN, nosimcard, Petal Supply - Red Gate,
My friend Owen's show. Lovely time! was nice to sit on the couches and feel the vibrations. Petal Supply was
a nice little treat. I don't know how the capitals are stylized for these names; let me know if wrong. went
with Li
Oct 29 - Cindy Lee, Preoccupations - Biltmore Cabernet, Vancouver
First time at this venue. I have never been more captivated by anyone on stage than Cindy Lee. I love that
lady so much. You could tell though, the crowd came for Preocc. Sad! They were messy and old and a man
spilled his
entire cup of beer on me because he wanted to mosh with it. Went with Li and Hayden
Oct 7 - King Bull, Necking, Sunglaciers, Magnolia - Red Gate, Vancouver
Came for Magnolia! Weird drunk middle aged crowd during kingbull. NECKING AWSom. Socialized a little at this
one. Met a duo who (i guess) their shtick is going aorund and asking people to listen to their long jokes.
convinced another person that my friend was in the band. I didnt do any convincing. My heart is filled with
guilt. Paranoia. That person will come for me. In my sleep. Went with Li and Cal
Sept 16 - Laverne, Magnolia, Still Depths, Goffe - Red Gate, VancouverFirst time at this venue. Sweet!! Still Depths never fail to disappoint. the mosh community in Vancouver are
like giant toddlers with no sense of awareness for others. went with Li and HaydenAug 11 - Bridgeland, Wants, JHNN - Kaffeeklatsch, CalgaryWatched JHNN's set and then I broke up with a friend outisdie and cried! so i dnt know how any of the other
sets wereJune 24 - Stripmall, Brain Bent, Wet Cigarette, Uranium Club - PinBar, Calgary
Stripmall,Brain Bent, Wet Cig were fun! weird drunkk russian guy in the pit, i remember. the crowd for
Uranium Club are so evil..... do not know mosh ettiquite. I felt like i was dying. I dont think i like drunk
peiple. I
dont think anyone does if theyre not drunk. but seriously! I went to this one alone and ran into my friend
meghana for a second
June 23 - Built to Spill, Buddie, Motherhood - Palace Theatre, Calgaryahhhhhh people in their 30s and 40s. this was fine, really. I don't think you can expect an extravagant
performance from a band like BTS (amercia) and the same goes for the crowd. Went with Helen and AranJune 8 - Bad Bodies, Yves Jarvis - I Love You Coffee Shop, CalgaryFirst time at this venue. My friend Derek performed at this as the drummer for both acts. Went with Yayi
May 20 - Car Seat Headrest, Floral Tattoo - Commodore Ballroom, VancouverWHY so many sweatly frat guys in the pit!!!! stank and grinked on me. nonetheless, my first pit and had fun
fun.We may have snuck a friend in................ Went with Li, Hayden, ReemApril 19 - Crywank, Still Depths, COMMUTED - Rec Room, CalgaryMet some sweet people at this one. There was a baby running around and a moshpit during still depths, but
more surprisingly, crywank. there was a cowbell!Went with Brittney, Helen, SlaterApril 2 - Sunglaciers and Chad Vangaalen - Commonwealth Bar and Stage, CalgaryThis was the first show I enjoyed alone. chad awesomeMar 14 - Godspeed you! Black emperor + special guests (not listed anywhere I can find?) - Palace
Theatre, Calgary
First time at this venue. Least enthusicastic crowd I have ever witnessed. I ran into my grade 12 english
teacher here. The crowd was exactly what you would've expected: lanky white guys in their early 30's who
never smile.
Went with Li
Dec 10 - Cartel Madras with DRI HIEV, TeaFannie, Sargeant X Comrade - Palomino Smokehouse,
Calgarystayed until like 10:30 and left. So we didnt see anything :P. went with rojda and mariamNov 27 - FACS, METZ, Preoccupations - Commonwealth stage and bar, CalgaryFirst time at this venue. Loved all sets! Sound system was janky and way too loud. went home with ringing
ears for the 24 hours after. went with mariamlets not talk about 2016 and 2019