

is a typeface/font family/blah that I designed Fall 2022 as a part of my typography class. This came out of feeling frustrated that seemingly every subculture that subverts expectations dies a violent death when corporations take it and sell it back to us. Thinking about "punk" or "radical" or "queer" fonts that can stay that way at its core. All those categories are reflected in the essence of the typeface's unreadability. This piece of writing does a good job of working out my frustrations. I wish I had read it when designing this :P

This family comes in four weights: Regular, Bold, X Bold, Black

practicing Quantum Listening on the bus

practicing Quantum Listening on the bus

practicing Quantum Listening on the bus

practicing Quantum Listening on the bus

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Orange Peel Guide

Om nom nom nom come and join me on the ground and take one and pass this around!. Care is being split with our fingers and stuck under our nails, to perfume the air (yay). Who are you in your discards and where will you be going now? Can I come with you?

This handout was used in a performance i did where i asked everyone to eat a mandarin orange with me and then passed around the guide. A sort of mood ring legend if you will. If you wouldn't mind, wont you do the same?

I like the idea of art events (or really, intentional communal gatherings) happening at their own time and contextualised by another person's life and environment. The participation is what makes the work, but the continuation of this work outside of this specific instance is more important.

see related zine

ps. this will print 6 copies. u will need a printer that can print dbl sided for all these things

many small same sized pieces consistent and rhythmic
many small irregular pieces most likely to go to jail
one big connected piece loyal
snake-shaped reliable
hand/star-shaped sinful
two pieces yearning
a big piece + small pieces self centered
peeled from the top (stem) god complex
pieced from the side spoiled
peeled from the bottom nurturing
picked off stem tyrant
picked off membrane veins strict

Doghouse as a Home zine

Orange Peels. as Love as hugging as People Zine